A National Newbie

In case you are unaware, Romance Writers of America, also known as RWA, is holding their national convention in New York City and just a few avenues from me. So I slapped down my registration money and made an appointment with an agent to pitch my category romance. Now,I’m not nervous about pitching. What powers up my heart rate, turns my easy and deep breaths into shallow pants is crowds. And they’ll be a crowd.

I sometimes have panic attacks when I’m in crowds. I don’t want to be the nutter, shuddering and gasping and curled in the corner. I once thought these episodes were asthma attacks but I’ve discovered I was wrong. I’m starting to prepare myself thinking about the good times I’ll have, the people I’ll meet and the workshops. But those aren’t my only thoughts.
I’m thinking about my manuscript.

I’m revising it, going over it to fix the problems, mistakes and put missing words back in and all that other stuff. So, if you are attending, I hope to meet you and if you want to learn more about RWA, here’s the link

Also does anyone out there have any advice or wants to share a story good, bad or funny, please post. I love hearing people’s tales. That’s why I read so become a star on my blog. See you at Nationals.