
An Air Force brat, Mageela Troche has lived throughout the world then landed in New York City. She wanted to leave the same day she arrived. Yet, with her stubbornness, Mageela learned to like the place and the libraries were the main reason. Since she was a little girl, Mageela wanted to be an author and an actress, however, once in college, she changed her life plan in the pursuit of money. After all, college loans must be repaid.

With life’s twists and turns, she returned to writing and focused on the romance genre. Mageela Troche’s first break came when she sold a short story to a magazine. She sold two more before the publication of her historical romance novel, The Marriage Alliance. She has gone on to write four more novels and a novella.

I don’t normally look this put together.

Mageela is currently writing in the cramped corner of her Big Apple apartment. She is the proud owner of a Black-masked lovebird named Boobula. She loves to hear from her readers and can be found online at MageelaTroche.com

Please come find me on social media:

Website: http://www.MageelaTroche.com

Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/AuthorMageelaTroche

Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/MageelaTroche

Pinterest: http://www.Pinterest.com/MageelaTroche

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Mageela-Troche/e/B00CHTIRFW/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7054733.Mageela_Troche