Why Women Have Too Many Shoes?

Men out there might be interested to read this blog post.  They have wondered why women have hundreds of shoes to go with their two feet.  The question has perplexed them and those pesky things have shoved their belongings from the closet.

The answer is quite simple.  It’s heredity.  Many centuries ago when humans were cave dwellers and man hunted, women gathered.  We ladies got together with our baskets [ancient purses] tucked in the crook of our arms and when off to gather.  While we strolled about the fields [ancient stores], we filled the basket with fruits and vegetables.  We didn’t return with one apple or an ear of corn.

Nay, our arms were loaded down with succulent food whereas nowadays shopping bags fill that primal urge.  So men don’t complain about our countless pairs of shoes, in the past we wouldn’t have returned to the cave with one fruit.  Our natural instincts are rearing up to be answered the same way Xbox answers yours.