In the Eye of Research

I’m currently revising my category romance novel.  Act 1 had to be completely written and two scenes required a new fabulous location.  Lucky for me, I live in a city that people all over the world would die to live in–New York City.  So, I decided to set this scene in the Guggenheim. 

It had been years since my last visit to this tornado shaped museum.  After paying my admission, I craned my neck back and looked at the skylight and I had one thought, it isn’t as big as I remembered.  Luckily the art was still as good.  The exhibition was Chaos and Classicism.  Focusing on the return of classicism in all art forms after the end of WWI to the begin of WWII. 

In today’s world the topic is relevant.  The US is winding down its presence in Iraq and both Afghanistan and terrorism has changed our world and the eye we view it out of.  I wonder what artists will grasp hold of to define this era.  It’s human nature for us to look to understanding of the chaos in the world and to look at the old times as the good ole’ days. 

For my novel, the Guggenheim is the set for the first kiss between my hero and heroine.  The white walls of the museum are perfect for this step in the romance.  Nothing to distract them from their attraction and with nooks that are the perfect spots to steal a kiss.  Art is about passion and not better place to set two characters desires to a simmer so it will soon boil over.