In My Opinion…

Many bloggers review books, some are scathing in their word choice and others are more amicable. However book reviewing is one aspect of blogging I don’t take part of. Why? I don’t know if I’m tender with people feelings and buy into that adage “if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all.” I may also add a dash of everyone likes different things to that. Don’t get me wrong there are books I hate or books I dislike, some I’ve throw across the room and some I tossed aside never to pick up again unless to add to the donate pile.

But another part of reviewing books, I don’t buy into is reviews. I do read the ones I received and so far, I have received constructed criticism, which is helpful to improve my writing. I don’t like all out bashing of a work, either. (Sorry for repeating). Reviews are opinions, based on a person’s background, life experiences, tastes and other factors. As a writer who has received them, there are good and bad reviews and a life lesson I learned about them is if you cheer for the good, you have to listen to the bad ones. And both can lead you down the insane road. I hope I act like Sandra Bullock when she was nominated for an Oscar in The Blind Side and a Razzie in All About Steve. She attended both award shows, accepting them both with a smile, grace and class. That’s the way I wish to behave. I hope I do when the time comes because it will.

I’m not bashing book reviewing blogs because they can help steer the reader to a new author to enjoy and I’ve taken their advice and had fun reading experience. It’s just not my cup of tea. I guess all I saying up here on my virtual soapbox, which wasn’t my intention, keep doing what you do and works for you and I’ll do the same. The world will be a happy place.