Happy Birthday, Virginia Woolf!

Yes, today would have been the iconic author’s birthday.  In the Books section of Huffington Post, I read this post about 59 things us reader might not have known about Virginia Woolf.  I even found that I have some things in common with her.  Some I wouldn’t want — depression and suicide just not me.

Here are the three that you might not have known about me and Virginia:

 9. Woolf was highly critical of her friends’ eating habits at the dinner table, often reproving them for eating with either too little grace or too much enthusiasm.

I too can’t stand how some people eat and I’m highly critical.  I have banished people from my table and even taken away their food because they can’t eat with their mouth closed or they shovel food in like someone is going to steal it.  Learn to eat properly, I don’t need to see you mashed up food or hear you chomping away. 

14. Woolf delighted in the physical act of writing words on paper. From the age of 11, she was continually experimenting with different kinds of pens in hope of finding one that would provide the perfect sensation.

I have hundreds of pens.  I too believe that when you hold the right pen, it can do something to the writing and paper connection.  It’s almost as if the words flow down my arm and onto paper without a conscious thought.  I love those moments.  I believe Annie Proulx writes out her entire novels by hand.  For me, though, each day, I might use a different pen because the sensation stirring up in me is different.  I wonder how she would have feel about a MAC.

21. One of the things Woolf disliked most in life was being peered at or having someone take her photograph.


I hate to have my picture taken.  I think I look horrible.  The light never falls right and casts shadows over my face that makes my nose looks big or eyes too deep or my mouth too big.  Just a bad experience.   That’s why I don’t have a lot of pics.  As for people looking at me — I can’t stand that either.  It’s as if they are intruding in on me.  My skin starts to prickle and my ears burn.  It’s just horrible.  I lower my head especially when guys look at me.  Not good.  Oh well.  My inner neurosis.  I imagine when I’m old and gray and look back at the few pics I do have, I will wish that I had enjoyed my youth more.  A lesson known now but certainly not learned.

If you are interested in reading the whole post, just click here and please if you like share you similarities.