10 Romance Novels To Read

If you are anything like me, your TBR pile is as tall as the Statue of Liberty and much like the lady, you have a book in your hand too. But that doesn’t stop me from purchasing new books.
This is the list of the books (kindle e-books) that are on my list. They are in no particular order though the books are numbered.

  1. Brides of The Border by Kathryn LeVeque

    Brides of the border

2. War of the Roses Brides by Ruth Kaufman

Wars of the Roses Bride


3.  The Thief’s Countess By Cecelia Mecca

The Thief's Countess


4. The Silent Duke by Jess Michaels

Silent duke


5. It’s Hard Out Here for a Duke by Maya Rodale

It's hard out here for a duke


6. A Wager Worth Making by Rebecca Connolly

A wager worth making

7. The British Knight by Louise Bay

The British Knight


8. Saving Scarlett by Emily Bishop

Saving Scarlett

9. Secret Daddy by Kira Blakely

SEcret Daddy

10. A Cowboy for Christmas

A Cowboy for Christmas Ebook Cover

Tell me if you have a book that I should add to my TBR pile. I should be writing my next Highlander romance but that doesn’t mean I can’t escape with a good book too. Happy holidays!

All You Ever Wanted To Know Is In A Book

This is a top ten list of the writing books that I believe are invaluable.

1.  Techniques of the Selling Writer by Dwight V. Swain

2.  Creating Character’s Emotions by Ann Hood

3.  The Joy of Writing Sex: A Guide for Fiction Writers by Elizabeth Benedict

4.  GMC by Debra Dixon

5. Roget’s International Thesaurus

6. The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine, MD

7.  The Male Brain by Louann Brizendine, MD

8.  You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation by Deborah Tannen

9.  Manuscript Makeover by Elizabeth Lyon

10.  Self-Editing for Fiction Writer by Browne & King